Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Your Inner Vision Is Illuminated By This Realization

Enough have you wandered
during the long period
of your quest
states the Yajur Veda circa 2300 BCE
and less than 1/32nd of the dime-sized world
knows it is embedded in darkness
and weary must have been the ages
of your searching in ignorance
and groping in helplessness.

Going to the polls, they believe,
can be a spiritual exercise
that can bring a positive change.

Is voting good
for your karma
or your soul,
besides being good for society?
All elections are important,
our psychics say—
how can Americans not vote
in a presidential race? Especially with so much at stake (with the country's soldiers in harm's way, a global energy and health care crisis, recession and more).

1:32 was once so common a scale
for toy trains, autos, and soldiers
that it was known as "standard size"
in the industry. A man is 2-1/4 inches tall (55 mm)
in 1:32 scale.

Behold the superfluous!
Nietzsche said, They steal
the works of the inventors
and the treasures of the sages
for themselves; white (or mixed race)
liberal democrats who drink five dollar lattes
in eco-friendly cups, listening to NPR
in a bio-diesel hummer (don’t they make those)
with a "He's not MY president" sticker on the bumper;
that also has a miniature dreamcatcher (1:32 of original size)
hanging from the rearview mirror; while carting around
an adopted black (or multi-ethnic) child (three-fifths human)
on a return trip from COSTCO and IKEA; welcomed home by Tibetan prayer flags hanging from the front stoop
"education" they call their theft –
and everything turns to sickness and misfortune for them.

Your identity has been swallowed by the media
and fed right back to you on the market
for only $2,349.99 per month
for the rest of your life.
To sin against the earth
is now the most dreadful thing,
and to esteem the entrails
of the unknowable higher
than the meaning of the earth.

This is the threat to our lives,
says Mr. Campbell.
We all face it.
We all operate in our society
in relation to a system. Now
is the system going to eat you up
and relieve you of your humanity
or are you going to be able
to use the system to human purposes?

Then he realized:
"I, indeed, am this creation;
for I have poured it forth from myself."
In that way he became this creation.
And verily, he who knows this becomes
in this creation a creator.
Your inner vision has been illuminated
by this realization.

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