Saturday, September 13, 2008

; Meditation:

She came to me dancing and now I can remember longing
for obliteration with claws so soft I close
My eyes behind she dances in the hollow
between the rattlesnake and the peacock.
She came dancing and fanning

My brain is electric crimson
lobes leaves and feathers
fluorescent blue and I am
sometimes a serpent

o, Divine Mother
teach me the emptiness
show me eternal erasure

Purnamadah Purnamidam
Purnat Purnamudacyate
Purnasya Purnamadaya

The jungle doctor speaks:
“The first Inca was extraterrestrial. She was so beautiful. It was only her. He knew. She came to tell us that we are in our bodies like wild monkeys trying to fly a spaceship—always pressing the wrong buttons. Leave the chatter, my brother.”

I close my eyes and we are all silhouettes of statues tattooed behind my eyelids. How did you become embossed here like a sun always breaking through? When will you understand that the earthquakes never miss a beat and the rotating is inertia—perpetual morning until confronted by an equal or greater opposing force.

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