Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Crazy Glue

We were surrounded by crazy glue
Surrounded by tools
We had the antidote for snake venom
and spilled all that too

My brother dangled from a rosary
fell far from a bead
The break echoed for decades
Slipped the rosary into grandma’s pillowcase
She never prayed again

He once was a manta ray
Once was a kite
He laid the sticks crosswise
Jumping in kid shoes
I snapped them apart

I can’t find them in the wilderness
Can’t squeeze their stubborn honey
That sleeps in crevices
Wings folded

The colored corollas too timid to help
What if they knew
he lives in a rock
the size of two palms
painted red butterfly?
What if they knew 
it could speak?

I leave them all spinning
I look for rainbuckets
I look for letter magnets
I look for windows taller than me

I was hypothetical then
Not a real dream
I was a shard of lamp glass
He broke for me

I bottled his swings
I smothered his voices
I asked him to shine

We were surrounded 
Surrounded by fools
We made dandelion sun tea
and spilled all that too

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